
Welcome! I’m so glad you’re here…

Sarah Headshot Option 1

My name is Sarah Walton and I’m a stay-at-home mom with 4 kids under the age of 16 (in other words, I pretty much never look like this other than when I have to appear like I’m all put together and such!). My family and I recently uprooted from Chicago, Illinois, and have been planted in the beautiful city of Colorado Springs. When I’m not wearing my mom hat and the responsibilities of daily life, I enjoy writing and speaking about what the Lord is teaching me in his Word and through the many trials that he’s allowed in my life. Although I wouldn’t have necessarily chosen this path, God seems to have called me to a “ministry of suffering”, which I often say is a painful privilege.

Through the years of raising a child with behavioral/neurological challenges, dealing with daily chronic illness in myself and four children (due to Lyme Disease and other causes), financial loss, a deteriorated ankle slowly taking my ability to walk, and the strain it all puts on our marriage, God has taught me that I know far less than I think I do and there is a lot of work still to be done in me. But what I do know is that my true hope can be found in nothing but Jesus, and the reality is, people all around us are hurting in one way or another in this fallen world. Because of that, I have found great joy in sharing the deep lessons God is continually teaching me through the ups and downs of life and how his Word speaks into every nook and cranny of it.

To be clear – I don’t have all the answers. And I certainly don’t have the energy for empty cliches. But if you’re trying to navigate the complexities of this life, striving to know and follow Jesus as you do, then you’re in the right place, and I hope you’ll stick around and join me in that process.

My Writing

Besides writing for several Christian ministries, I’ve had the privilege of co-authoring (along with Kristen Wetherell) Hope When It Hurts: Biblical Reflections to Grasp God’s Purpose in Your Suffering. My husband, Jeff, and I have also had the privilege of writing a follow-up book for marriages navigating the trials of life, called Together Through the Storms: Biblical Encouragements For Your Marriage When Life Hurts. In 2022, I released a short evangelistic book that I’ve written for both non-Christians and Christians alike. You can order Tears and Tossings: Hope in the Waves of Life here. 

And last but not least, I’m so excited to share that my mom and I have just co-written a motherhood book titled, He Gives More Grace: 30 Hope-filled Reflections for the ups and downs of motherhood, releasing December 1, 2023. You can pre-order it here! (Books pictured below)

If you’d like to connect with me elsewhere, you can find me on Instagram at @Sarahpwalton.

My Family

These are my people. The ones who have stuck by my side through thick and thin, richer and poorer, sickness and health, and laughter and tears.

I met my main squeeze, Jeff, my freshman year of college at Taylor University after my brother (who was friends with him) asked Jeff if he would “keep an eye on me” for him while he was oversees for a semester. Jeff took that job very seriously, so we’ve now been married for 20 years. We have four children, all of whom make us proud to call ourselves their parents. They’ve made us laugh until we cried, cry until the tears ran dry, stripped us of any confidence that we actually know what we’re doing, and given us the joy of countless memories that I wouldn’t trade for the world. God is continually teaching me to let go of what I think I want and need, and instead fix my eyes on things of eternal value. I fail often and, at times, feel like I’m holding onto faith the size of a mustard seed. But Christ promises to be faithful until the end. Until then, I take up my cross daily and seek to follow him as he writes a story in my life that is so much bigger than me. I hope you’ll join me on this journey.

Home is around the corner,

Sarah Walton

185 thoughts on “Home”

  1. Hi Sarah, I help author Randy Alcorn with his blog. He would like your permission to reuse your article (www.desiringgod.org/articles/pray-them-home) on his own blog (www.epm.org/blog). Desiring God has let us know they’re OK with that as long as we get permission from the author. Thanks for your consideration!


      1. How can I live with Lyme
        The pain and fear is too much
        I wish God would heal me to last year so l could cope


      2. Hi Sarah, have you looked at Be in Health in Thomaston? Please pray about looking into this for your family.


      3. Sarah, I’m sorry to post in the reply section, but I couldn’t figure out how to do it otherwise. I’m a realatively new writer and I have many personal experiences to draw from when talking about Jesus Christ and the hope I have in him. I have a son with special needs and want to protect his identity. How does a writer, who is seeking publication do this? My inclination is to use a pen name and pseudo name for him. Thank you!


      4. Hi Robyn, that’s a really hard thing to do well. I think you mostly need to pray about what you’d be ok with him seeing someday (to whatever extent he could understand). It’s a hard line to walk – sharing in a way that will help others while also protecting the child that is involved. I still find this a very hard road to navigate!

        Liked by 1 person

      5. Thank you so much Sarah. My son is 22 and God has allowed and used many hard circumstances to write not only my son’s story but our family as a whole. I know there are many that share a similar experience, but my husband and I are praying about what I share and also what my son is comfortable with. I love your writing and you and your family have so much to share through the hard reality of Lyme’s disease x 5. Blessings on your journey.


      6. Hi Sarah,
        I have a similar request for permissionto reprint. May we print your article “Do You Resent the Life God Gave You” as part of a handout for a small group reading and discussion session in a one day mini-conference taking place at my local church, CIT (churchintoronto.com)? We would be sure to indicate proper credits.

        Liked by 1 person

      7. Hi Sarah! I would love to speak with you over the phone! I passed Lyme to my son; and the lord showed me I got it from my mom and my daughter result equivocal but with many symptoms! We truly have miracle stories of how the a lord revealed this disease. It sounds our stories are very similar and I stumbled upon your website! Is there a way we could chat sometime!


  2. Sarah, thank you so much for strengthening your brothers by penning “Pray Them Home.” I have three, maybe four, out of five children who have rejected Christ. I made a small cheat sheet of your article and saved it in a memo on my phone so that every time I begin to worry, I pull it up and start praying for them. Thank you for being faithful.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Sarah! I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful book. Your faith, writing, and ever growing love and trust in the Lord is inspiring. Other than the Bible, it has been a lifeline for me. I too suffer from Lymes, Hashimotos as well as other co-morbid conditions. As a mother of two boys with special needs, some days just seem to be about survival. Thank you for sharing that there is purpose and beauty in suffering. Here’s a verse that has given me comfort “ I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.”-Psalm 27:13-14. If you feel comfortable, I would love to send you and your sweet children a package of some of our favorite goodies. We too are on a special diet-gluten-free, dairy free, soy free, and dye free. Please feel free to email me. Lifting you and your family up in prayer and may God continue to richly bless you!❤️


    1. Wow, Kim. I’m so encouraged and blessed by this. I’m so sorry for how you have suffered, but praising God for how he has strengthened you and given you the eyes to see his greater purposes in your pain (even if it’s just a glimpse). I’m humbled and incredibly grateful that he used HWIH to be a part of that process.
      You are so sweet to want to give to us when you yourself are struggling as well. What a picture of comforting others out of the comfort we have received from Christ. I will see if I can email you to at least chat more in person. Thank you, sister, for your encouragement and taking the time to share how God has helped you though the book. Blessings to you and your family, Sarah


  4. Sarah l would love to talk to you. I am at the point of breaking down,l am overwhelmed by my life . I would need counselling from you please. From Africa


  5. Dear Sarah
    Concerning Lyme. Perhaps this will help you:
    I have taken the stuff and can vouch that it’s difficult and therefore gradual, and the die off Herxheimer reaction may make you feel worse for a bit, but I’ve read in several places that Lyme can be killed by MMS solution. Google Jim Humble
    Your doctor will not approve using what is in effect water purification drops to self medicate, but read, read, read! At any rate, I kid you not, I started the introductory tolerance phase and even that cured me of flu in just a few hours, with no harm. Don’t be afraid of it.
    The Lord bless and keep you all.


  6. Dear Sarah,

    By way of introduction, I am Adrian from Singapore.

    I first came across one of your articles on Sunday and, through the course of this week, I have read all of your other articles posted on the Desiring God website. I am very moved by your life’s story and very blessed by the Biblical concepts you had shared in your articles.

    I noticed from you have co-authored a book entitled “Hope When It Hurts”. Just so you know, I would try to purchase a number of copies of this book to give away to my friends and colleagues, for I believe it will be a great encouragement to others.

    God bless you. And thank you for being such a blessing, even to people who are living half way around the globe from where you are!



    1. Wow, Adrian, thank you for that encouragement! I pray the book will bless and encourage anyone who reads it. I love that we can be connected through Christ even though we are continents apart. To God be the glory!


  7. Dear Sarah,
    Thank you so much for the articles you write. We have especially been encouraged by the articles on Desiring God. Before I ask you a question I would like to introduce myself. My name is Marieke den Butter, I am married to Jaap and we have 8 children. I am Dutch. Together with my friend Wilma Samyn I wrote a book with encouragements for mothers, that was published in the summer of 2016 (100 bemoedigingen voor moeders). We have a facebook page where we post about 3 encouragements a week. (www.facebook.com/100BVM). Since the beginning of this year we have a website where we post more in depth articles for Women. (www.sieraadvoorgod.org). We really love the articles you write for Desiring God and we would like to ask your permission to translate them into Dutch to post on our website. We will give the credit to you and we will mention that we found the article on Desiring God.
    Thank you so much for your commitment to Christ and for encouraging others to hope in hurt.
    May God bless you,
    Marieke den Butter


    1. Hi Marieke, Thank you for reaching out and I appreciate you asking for permission before using them. Yes, that is perfectly fine to translate them to post as long as you use proper credit as you said you would. Thank you for reaching out and may God bless your ministry richly. ~Sarah


  8. How can l live with Lyme
    The agitation is killing me
    I get no sleep,one hour a night
    I am going demented
    It is destroying my family too
    Please can God help me


    1. I’m so sorry, Joey. Lyme is such an awful disease. Praying right now for God’s mercy to lead you to the help you need and that he would strengthen and comfort you with his presence.


    2. I promise it will get better! From experience I know that It is hard to keep faith in something. I prayed for my mother for 2 years and I still am! She dose drugs and is not the best person. It hurts me and my other siblings. But when I would keep faith I would feel better and be happier. But when I would let every little thing get me down it would just tear me apart and I would lose faith then that pain would never leave. As soon as I thought about it and prayed, keep my faith up, it changed my whole perspective for the better. I know it’s hard trust me. But when you give it all to God you feel one million times better! It may not be fixed right away but it takes time. God wants to use your story and use your pain to create something beautiful and help others. Try to stay focused on that and keep trucking. I will keep you in my prayers!


    3. Joey, I can so relate. Another relapse and more co-infections. But I can tell you our Living God is the only way. Are you in treatment? There are many protocols and finding what works best for you, under a LLMD is crucial.
      Some times we have to try new things, others it takes a lot of time, maybe years. It is such a complex disease.
      Blessings to you,
      Lea in Orlando


  9. This really helped me! I was really wanting to talk more about my pain but needed some help getting started. I did y’alls bible plan on the Holy Bible app, it was amazing! God bless you! Continue doing great things for God, I hope I can open up more and do great things too!


    1. Hi Sara! I’m so glad it helped you! If you enjoyed the Bible app devo, you might enjoy the whole book (since that’s what the devo came from)! But thank you for your encouragement. Praying for you, your mom, and your family right now.


  10. Hi Sarah-I am so thankful for your book “Hope When It Hurts” I am working through it my self right now but also bought several copies to pass out to other people. I praise God that you are living out 2 Corinthians 1:3-4! I am striving to do the same in my life.

    What intrigued me to buy your book in the first place actually came from your introduction. I couldn’t believe how it mirrored EXACTLY what my family is suffering through right now! It is your first paragraph in your story. You don’t go into detail about your high school trauma but what you do reveal sounds amazingly similar to my daughter, Hannah’s, story. She just finished high school having suffered through peer abuse which resulted in a full-fledged eating disorder and depression. She hates herself and is angry all the time. The darkness during this has, at times, been almost unbearable. Hannah is seeing a counselor and desperately desires to get better but is impatient in the process.

    Could you share more about your story’s “first paragraph?” What was the turning point for you that caused you to give up your attempt to live for Christ AND for the world? As a young woman what did committing yourself to following Christ look like? What steps did you take in that pursuit? How did you break free from your downward spiral? Hannah needs hope from someone who has walked this same path. I know this is why God brought me to you.

    Looking forward to your reply!

    Holding onto Jesus,


    1. Hi Nancy, I’m so sorry to hear about your daughter, Hannah. If you’re ok with it, I think it would best if I email you. I will try to do that shortly!


      1. Hi Sarah, I was looking online to see if anyone had encountered a spiritual emotional root of Lymes disease. Your blog came up…I saw a bit of what you said you have endured. I actually had Lymes about five years ago. I have never been in that sort of pain at any other time in my life. I did not sleep for an entire two weeks. Laying down in a bed hurt too much so I sat with a hot water bottle and got up and paced, the pain was such that it did not allow me to even doze…The only way I survived was that the Lord equated a small semblance of what sleep would have provided. As I paced I would speak out healing scripture…At the end of two weeks I finally prayed out loud at three am asking the Lord if there was an open door. He answered me immediately and said that I had been on a treadmill of idolatry. I was so focused on healing my marriage that it had unknowingly become an idol…it was busywork from the enemy. As soon as I repented, the relentless head to toe pain left, like a switch had been turned off. I had lost so much weight that I looked like a concentration camp victim, but I knew I had been healed…and so I was, completely. I believe this disease is a threefold cord, but if you break the spiritual portion, the rest has to let go. I also believe that the spiritual portion is a religious spirit. Idolatry would certainly come under that heading. Those are the most powerful of the spirits. About twelve years before that I was healed in a similar way during a third recurrence of breast cancer. The Lord showed me how to replace the root lie with its equal and opposite truth. When I did this, the pain vanished and I was healed completely. These diseases do indeed have emotional spiritual roots, and ones which are considered to be incurable likely have a much stronger spiritual component. I could say more, but I will end here. If you would like to contact me, please feel free to do so.


  11. I am so thankful for your book. When I read the chapter “The lonely path to the summit, “ it spoke directly to me and what my life has been the last few years. In 2015 my son suffered a traumatic Brain injury. We weren’t given much hope, for 21 days we didn’t know if he’d survive. God raised him up and he’s alive, I tell people I have a walking miracle at my house. I’m so thankful to have him, but he definitely has some life altering challenges. I know it’s all part of God’s plan, but no one can relate. They say I should just be thankful and I’m lucky to have him. But this chapter ministered to me, I feel that loneliness that you speak of. Thanks for spilling your heart and trials will others, this book encouraged me so much!! Have you written any other books?


    1. Hi Patrice! I’m so grateful to hear how the book (especially the chapter on loneliness) encouraged you. I’m so sorry to hear about your son. It makes a lot of sense that you feel the loneliness of others assuming you just be grateful and not really understanding or seeing the daily struggles you continue to carry. I battle that when I hear someone comment on how “normal” my child seems whenever they see him…not realizing that most people don’t see the incredible struggles we deal with on a daily basis because he works so hard to hold it together in public. Over and over I have to trust other’s opinions to the Lord, asking Him to help me rest in His truth and the peace that He knows and sees all. Anyway, I’m so grateful that the Lord spared your son, but I pray that He will also equip you for the days ahead as you help him navigate and live his new normal. Anyway, as for your question – no I have not written any other books as of yet. It is possible that I will be working on a new one in the very near future, spun off of Hope When It Hurts, but for married couples. Stay tuned!


  12. Sarah: I really appreciated your article “Pray Them Home.” I wondered if you would give me permission to use it in our school publication. I would not alter it and would give proper attribution and point people to your website and your book. I will await your response. Blessings!


    1. I’m so glad you found it helpful! Yes, that’s certainly fine to use it with the proper attribution. I pray that it can encourage many. Thanks for reaching out!


  13. could you send me an email i was reading your story, its very familar i dont know how to send you emails i see twitter facebook but i dont use them thank u


  14. Dear Sarah I just read your article on ‘The Pressures of 21st Century Parenting’ its’ amazing, it really enlightened my view on christian parenting. I am writing article on ‘Parenting’ for Women’s Conference. I would like to add some of your article, hope you don’t mind…I would like to read more of your writings…God Bless you
    From Rev. Puia, Mizoram, India

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Sarah, I’ve written to thank you for your book before, but I wanted to encourage you today. My husband and I had a difficult doctor’s appointment for him today, and I took your book along with me–like a silent friend in my purse.. All the places I had underlined and marked up the first time I read it were such sources of strength and needed reminders for my shaking heart over the hours we were there. Thank you!! xx

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Sarah, do you have a copy of Spurgeon’s, “The Pastor in Prayer”? It’s a compilation of many of his congregational prayers and I cannot say enough good things about it, at least, it’s continually blessed me. It’s my most treasured book of prayers.

        You will not offend me if you aren’t interested and you do not need to explain. But I would love to order you a copy from Amazon if you would feel comfortable and you are interested. I was given a very generous gift card recently and it would be my joy to share in this way. You have so blessed me with your writing.

        When I enter my e-mail address I purposely misspell it here because WordPress insists I sign in to my account if I spell it correctly. You can e-mail me directly by adding an “s” before the “@aol.com”.

        Feel free to delete this comment if you wish, too. I didn’t know how else to contact you! xx


  16. Sarah, I would like permission to use your desiringGod.com article.” The waves of grief will give way” in our church bulletin. All credit will be give to you as the author with information about links to your website.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Sarah, I just read an old article in HomeLife magazine. I too live with chronic pain due to degenerative spine disease. That, however, is not why I write. As I was closing the magazine a still small voice told me to email you first. Over a year ago, my 11 yr old son started becoming very tired. He lost his appetite and would hardly eat or drink. It got to a point where he was sleeping 20 hours a day. The waking hours were in half hour increments at best. He said his body hurt. The doctors originally said it was growing pains, but the symptoms only got worse. My chiropractor told me to have him tested for tick borne diseases. Turns out he tested positive for Rocky Mtn Spotted Fever. They did not give me any hope. I went back to my chiropractor who told me about an Amish herbal parasite cleanse. After about a month of taking it twice daily, he started showing slight improvements. Today he is an active teenager. I do not know if it will help your family or not. All I know is that the Spirit would not let me close this magazine until I found your blog and shared our experience. It’s website ilink is https://www.yourhealthbydesign.com/full-30-day-parasite-cleanse-2-16-ounce-bottles/

    My chiropractor said he recommends this to his patients with tick diseases. He is not affiliated with this site either. I pray that this would be God’s way of giving your family a miracle.
    Blessings in Christ,


  18. I just recently read one of your articles on Desiring God and was very helped by it… so, I came over here to hear more from you.
    Since then, I have been praying for you and your family.
    I do not want to be one of those people who thinks they have a cure for any disease, when I do not, but I do have experience with homeopathic remedies helping my medication resistant mental illness.
    Anyway, at the risk of annoying you, I wanted to share this link to a remedy I found today as I was restocking my supply: https://www.amazon.com/Boiron-Palustre-Homeopathic-Medicine-Insect/dp/B078NDND59/ref=sspa_dk_typ_pt_comp_6/131-5227172-1668908?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B078NDND59&pd_rd_r=cf634831-fe2e-4c64-9d23-52a47e3115d1&pd_rd_w=lvlfM&pd_rd_wg=QnfBA&pf_rd_p=0412d930-f756-4db1-84d7-01dbac4fd9bd&pf_rd_r=CRPD7Z89YVCJF7B6EW12&refRID=CRPD7Z89YVCJF7B6EW12&th=1

    I have no idea if it would help you or your family, but in the comment section on this remedy it said it was used to treat Lyme’s when used in correlation with another remedy.

    Check it out if interested and please disregard this comment if it is unhelpful…

    Much love to you and yours!
    May grace and peace be multiplied to you!
    I appreciate your writing very much!

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Sarah, good afternoon: read your thoughts online at https://unlockingthebible.org/2015/07/four-lies-we-believe-when-we-are-feeling-lonely/ and curious why by your 4th sentence you start with a “I remember when …” ? What has happened to faith-based self-help gurus like you who cannot simply counsel from Scripture or give Biblical examples that reader can relate to? Address the vital matter of how a Christian truth or doctrine guides and teaches us in life instead of always regurgitating your “remember whens”!!!


    1. Hi, I’m not really what this comment is supposed to achieve because it doesn’t seem to make much sense in regards to the article (which is based in scripture). I’m as far from a “self-help” guru as they come. I open up the article with sharing some personal experience that relates to the topic I’m speaking to (loneliness), but the rest of the article talks about how God’s Word speaks to the lies that we often believe when we battle loneliness. That is not “my wisdom”, but Scripture’s. There are many people who are truly preaching false gospels – so please don’t put your energy toward those of us who are truly desiring to point others to Christ, God’s word, and the truth. Sharing some personal ways I relate to God’s Word doesn’t negate the truth that I write about. ~Sarah


      1. Sarah, what a good answer. I looked up that article and for each lie, you share in full a Bible verse. The complainer has a chip on his shoulder.

        Liked by 1 person

  20. I am so thankful for you!
    Have you ready Scars that Have shaped Me by vaneetha Risner?
    It has encouraged my faith so much!
    Praying for you sister to run the race marked out for you!

    Liked by 1 person

  21. Hi Sarah! I have been so encouraged over the last few years by your writing. God has used you to help me as I have walked a very difficult path. Thank you. I’d like to bless you with a monetary gift – its not a lot but I’d like you to use it to buy or do something for yourself. Is there an address that I can send it to?

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Hi Sarah,
    This is Sharla Chen. I am the translator from Taiwan Church News. Our newspaper is free and our organization is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan.
    We would like to ask the permission of article translation which surfed on Desiring God for our 2021 newspaper column. Here is article information for your reference “Weak Moms, Strong God”(https://www.desiringgod.org/articles/weak-moms-strong-god). Kindly let us know if there are any questions. Thanks



    1. Hi Sharla! Wow, so glad you reached out. I’d be more than happy for you to post the translation (with normal proper credit, of course!). Thank you so much for reaching out and asking. Warmly, Sarah


  23. Sarah, thank you so much for obeying God’s call for you to share His word through your testimony. Hope When It Hurts helped me navigate my pain and fear after our adult son’s traumatic brain injury at the end of 2019 (he now lives with us). We still look for hope each day and pray that God will redeem the brokenness for His glory. I gave my sister a copy of the book while she was going through chemo last year as well; she said it was the first thing she had read that felt like someone understood what it was like- single, alone during COVID and dealing with the cancer. Despite being in such different places and circumstances in life, God’s Truth, His character and His promises are the same for all of us. Thank you for what it must cost you in time and emotional and spiritual investment to share your insights and God’s word. – Janine


  24. Hallo Sarah,

    I have just finished reading an article you wrote for Unlocking the Bible called – What Does it really mean to be blessed. I really could relate and want to thank you for confirming my thoughts on this matter of being blessed. I wrote a book 2 years ago on Our Christian Identity called “Who am I” and what I found interesting in your article is that it so amazingly correlated to the passage from Ephesians 1 that I took to identify 9 identities and expand on them in my own book. Being Blessed was also an Identity, but I also focussed on the fact that being Blessed with God himself in our lives us much greater than earthly blessings.
    Thank you for your insight and beautiful way of writing and sharing.
    Fellow-blessed-daugther of Jesus
    Elize-Marie Muller
    (South Africa)

    Liked by 1 person

  25. Good day,

    I wanted to reach out to you about our interest in you speaking on the TEDx stage.

    We’re always searching for authentic, talented voices that we believe would absolutely light up a TEDx event. Frankly, I came across you, and the link to your book, only recently. I then found a podcast where you were the guest and I listened to that a bit to get a read on your perspective and style.

    By way of introduction, I’m Steve Krupa, the Head of Business Development for IdeaCasters. At IdeaCasters, we take our clients from the initial idea, through the writing, scripting, blocking, and memorization of a killer TEDx script, and through the rehearsals, dress rehearsals and, finally, the magic of the TEDx talk itself. We have a Digital Optimization System we build for client use in order to maximize and amplify the value of their new TEDx talk worldwide…..

    It’s the TEDx speaking process, start to finish, delivered on a silver platter….and largely DONE FOR YOU.

    Not to brag or anything….. but we DO have a 100% success rate in guiding our clients to a a successful TEDx talk.……and NOTHING compares with the value and power of a TEDx talk to a business, or as a personal stamp of authority and indicator of expert status.

    In fact, a brilliant TEDx talk is likely the single biggest accelerant to success and mastery for the right person or business.

    We think you’d be a fantastic candidate for a TEDx talk, plain and simple.

    Please, check us out on the web at: http://www.ideacasters.com

    My scheduling link is here:-https://ideacasters.com/strategy-call-with-steve/
    And, There is a quick 1.5 min video that explains the 6 stage process.,,, It has worked, as mentioned, 100% of the time, without fail: it’s on our site> http://www.ideacasters.com

    Thanks for taking the time to consider our thoughts on this subject, we really do want to speak with you if you are interested.

    Thanks and enjoy the day,
    Steve Krupa

    Liked by 1 person

  26. My name is Joy Lewis. I host The Review with Joy & Company Radio Show, which streams Mondays from Fishbowl Studios. I am also executive producer of the annual Christian Literary Awards (CLAs). We are embarking on our eleventh year of promoting and supporting authors of faith-based literature with the Christian Literary Awards.
    I would love to have you enter your book in the 2022 CLAs. Please feel free to review our entry guidelines posted on our website, http://www.joyandcompany.org . You can enter your book online at: http://www.christianliteraryawards.com.
    If you have any question, please don’t hesitate to email me, road2cla@gmail.com. Also, please peruse some of our shows on our facebook page: Joy&Company and be so kind as to like and follow us .
    Thank You, I look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Joy, thanks so much for reaching out! Sounds like a great ministry. I did glance the christian literary awards and I saw there’s a fee to enter, so unfortunately I can’t spend money on that right now. But thank you for reaching out and letting me know! God bless, Sarah


  27. Hi Sarah,
    Have just been reading “Tears and Tossings”..page 68…”but I am with you and can see things that you aren’t yet able to see”. One of those things was God’s plan for me to read your words and hear of your experience.. thought you should know. Keep believing.
    From another Sarah

    Liked by 1 person

  28. Hello,

    I am writing to tell you “thank you ” for writing Hope when it Hurts. I have recently been diagnosed with an autoimmune condition and have been deeply encouraged by your words in this book. I have decided to keep this book by my bedside because I frequently have sleepless nights due to my condition and plan to read this on those nights to remind myself of God’s closeness in those lonely moments. Thank you again and may God bless you for the ways you have blessed others.

    Liked by 1 person

  29. Thank you for your recent blog post regarding God’s faithfulness and entering 2024 with a look toward Him and His grace. Happy New Year and may we all grow in our knowledge of God and our love for Him. I printed out the conversation cards (for the grandkids visits) and wanted you to know that the colors you have chosen do not print terribly well. I understand they match your new book but I don’t think I will be able to use them as effectively as hoped due to the difficulty in reading the white font.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for your response! I’m so sorry the cards didn’t show up clearly. I printed them and didn’t seem to have any issues, but they may print up differently on different printers. Could you possibly enlarge them before you print and that may make them easier to read? Again, so sorry about that. My publisher designed them, so there isn’t much I can change on my end. Hopefully you can find a way to adapt them to be usable. Sorry for the inconvenience and Happy New Year to you as well!


  30. Hi –

    I read your testimony and article “Pray Them Home”. Super helpful to me. My wife and I are 72 hrs into my adopted daughter walking out on her 18th birthday with no explanation. Our family is devastated and many have told me to just let her go. But I can’t. I’m fighting because her pain is my pain, and I want her to come home where she can be restored and healed. I want the blessings of God in her life.

    keep is in your prayers.

    Liked by 1 person

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