
Welcome! I’m so glad you’re here…

Sarah Headshot Option 1

My name is Sarah Walton and I’m a stay-at-home mom with 4 kids under the age of 16 (in other words, I pretty much never look like this other than when I have to appear like I’m all put together and such!). My family and I recently uprooted from Chicago, Illinois, and have been planted in the beautiful city of Colorado Springs. When I’m not wearing my mom hat and the responsibilities of daily life, I enjoy writing and speaking about what the Lord is teaching me in his Word and through the many trials that he’s allowed in my life. Although I wouldn’t have necessarily chosen this path, God seems to have called me to a “ministry of suffering”, which I often say is a painful privilege.

Through the years of raising a child with behavioral/neurological challenges, dealing with daily chronic illness in myself and four children (due to Lyme Disease and other causes), financial loss, a deteriorated ankle slowly taking my ability to walk, and the strain it all puts on our marriage, God has taught me that I know far less than I think I do and there is a lot of work still to be done in me. But what I do know is that my true hope can be found in nothing but Jesus, and the reality is, people all around us are hurting in one way or another in this fallen world. Because of that, I have found great joy in sharing the deep lessons God is continually teaching me through the ups and downs of life and how his Word speaks into every nook and cranny of it.

To be clear – I don’t have all the answers. And I certainly don’t have the energy for empty cliches. But if you’re trying to navigate the complexities of this life, striving to know and follow Jesus as you do, then you’re in the right place, and I hope you’ll stick around and join me in that process.

My Writing

Besides writing for several Christian ministries, I’ve had the privilege of co-authoring (along with Kristen Wetherell) Hope When It Hurts: Biblical Reflections to Grasp God’s Purpose in Your Suffering. My husband, Jeff, and I have also had the privilege of writing a follow-up book for marriages navigating the trials of life, called Together Through the Storms: Biblical Encouragements For Your Marriage When Life Hurts. In 2022, I released a short evangelistic book that I’ve written for both non-Christians and Christians alike. You can order Tears and Tossings: Hope in the Waves of Life here. 

And last but not least, I’m so excited to share that my mom and I have just co-written a motherhood book titled, He Gives More Grace: 30 Hope-filled Reflections for the ups and downs of motherhood, releasing December 1, 2023. You can pre-order it here! (Books pictured below)

If you’d like to connect with me elsewhere, you can find me on Instagram at @Sarahpwalton.

My Family

These are my people. The ones who have stuck by my side through thick and thin, richer and poorer, sickness and health, and laughter and tears.

I met my main squeeze, Jeff, my freshman year of college at Taylor University after my brother (who was friends with him) asked Jeff if he would “keep an eye on me” for him while he was oversees for a semester. Jeff took that job very seriously, so we’ve now been married for 20 years. We have four children, all of whom make us proud to call ourselves their parents. They’ve made us laugh until we cried, cry until the tears ran dry, stripped us of any confidence that we actually know what we’re doing, and given us the joy of countless memories that I wouldn’t trade for the world. God is continually teaching me to let go of what I think I want and need, and instead fix my eyes on things of eternal value. I fail often and, at times, feel like I’m holding onto faith the size of a mustard seed. But Christ promises to be faithful until the end. Until then, I take up my cross daily and seek to follow him as he writes a story in my life that is so much bigger than me. I hope you’ll join me on this journey.

Home is around the corner,

Sarah Walton

189 thoughts on “Home”

    1. Thank you so much Sheilah! Only by God’s grace does He take a mess like me and bring anything good from it! 😊 Thank you for your words of encouragement. It reminds me of how each of our stories are about far more than just ourselves. I’m thankful Christ is not wasting the pain.

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      1. Sarah, I m also a Sarah with long-term Lyme that has been devastating me and my family. I am now reading your book, sent me by a friend in Texas. It is beautiful and so full of truth.

        But, there is healing. The Lord has sent it to us here in the Boston area. Slow, but real – and not based on killer antibiotics. Please contact me so I can discuss with you and you can share with others who need it.


      2. Sarah. Please look into hyperbaric oxygen therapy. It has done absolute wonders for Lymes disease. Research it and don’t stop until you find a doctor who can assist you with finding a center for treatment. God Bless you and your family…


      3. Thank you Tina, I appreciate your desire to share ways to help. I am actually very familiar with hyperbaric oxygen therapy and have done the majority of treatments that I know of. But definitely looking into some more aggressive things soon. Thanks!


      1. Hello Sarah,
        I downloaded you book. Thank you for such powerful testimony, and giving God all the glory through it. I have been dealing with some very significant autoimmune health issues for the past 5 years. I know that our powerful God is the one and true healer. I have researched a great deal on the main causes regarding many of our unexplained health issues. Have you tried to put you son on a no grain and very low sugar diet. The tough part is it has to be 100% strict for a month or two to really notice a difference. This approach is not a cure, it may make his difficulties much more manageable. No grains means, no flour, no corn and also stay away from the gluten free products as well. GOD BLESS you through this struggle. I am praying for you. AnnP.

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      2. Ann, thank you for your kind words. Yes, we have done grain free and many other things. It was beneficial in certain ways, but other ways, not so much. But either way, it’s a helpful way to eat as a family as much as we can! Thanks for taking the time to share what has helped you!


    2. Thank you so much for sharing your story and spreading awareness to Lyme Disease! I went undiagnosed for at least 3 years and it almost killed me! Both of my children have special needs. Now that I’m in remission of sorts I had to go back to work to pay for them to go to a school where their needs would be met. The struggle is real, but God is still on the throne. I have realized God allows these things for a purpose. There are so many hurting and broken people and when you become one of those, you gain mercy and compassion for others as well. I’ll be praying for your family and for your friend with Lyme as well! ❤

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      1. Kalynne, I’m so sorry to hear how much you have endured. The Lord’s strength is clearly coming through in your life. Thank you for your prayers, sister!


    3. Thank you for be willing to share your story all while giving God the glory!

      I just recently found out I have Lyme after struggling for years. We are now faced with the possibility of all 7 of our kids (under the age of 13) having it. This has been such a scary road for us with little education on healing. Your words of strength encourage me greatly!


      1. I’m so so sorry to hear what your family is going through as well, and I understand feeling overwhelmed by it all. Praying now for your family, that the Lord will equip you and guide you in the days ahead, sister. In Christ, Sarah


  1. Hi Sarah. Just found your blog and I am so thankful that you have chosen to share your story and the way God is using the pain of raising your boy to deepen your walk with him and give you so much more of himself. I too have an eight year old with fairly severe mood issues. Our life has been turned upside down over the past 6+ years as we have dealt with all that raising her entails. Please know your blog is an encouragement to me and that I am praying for you today.

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    1. Wow, thank you for taking the time to share this with me. It’s an immense encouragement when I see God take what has been so hard in my life and use it to not only change me, but encourage and give hope to those around me. Thank you for sharing a bit of your own story as well. This road often feels lonely, but it is one that many more travel than we often realize. May Christ use this struggle with your child to make Himself more known to you and show you that He is sufficient for everything He has allowed in your life. I know the days may feel discouraging and even hopeless at times, but we have been given a unique calling to raise these precious kids. I pray that in whatever specific place you find yourself, you will be filled with hope, endurance, and joy as you lean into Christ more each day. I certainly don’t have it all figured out, and I probably fail more than I feel like I succeed each day…but I’m taking it one day at a time and continually amazed by God’s grace over my life and my family’s. I pray that you will clearly see that same grace in your own life.
      Thank you for praying and I will be doing the same for you right now!

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      1. Sarah, one of my Vistage members has a son who was diagnosed with Lyme disease and whose health was failing. As a last resort, he brought him to Florida to get treatment and subsequently learned he had the disease as well. They are now both making progress with an innovative treatment provided by Dr. Rick Sponaugle at http://sponauglewellness.com/ . Please know that I am not affiliated in any way with Dr. Sponaugle or his organization, however thought I would share his information in case it would help you or anyone else who may be suffering. I believe in God’s ability to heal us from anything we may be facing. I also believe that sometimes He puts people in our lives for a reason. May God keep you and your children in His loving arms. I will keep you in my prayers.


  2. Sarah,
    I’m a full-time missionary serving in Western Ukraine. I host university aged young adult Interns every summer and I’m trying to be more effective discipling them. To that end, I ran across this article of yours at Unlocking the Bible )http://www.unlockingthebible.org/four-ways-our-identity-in-christ-changes-our-lives/) about our Identity in Christ. I would like permission to reprint all or part of it in a chapter in my manual about Identity. You should be able to contact me since I see that I have to leave an email address to post this comment.

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    1. Hi! Yes, that is definitely possible! I’ll email you with the details of the privacy notice from Unlocking the Bible in order to go about using it with the correct copyright procedure. Thank you for asking! Spreading the truth of God’s Word and the gospel is my ultimate goal, so I would never object to that truth being spread from anything I write. I’ll be in touch shortly via email. ~Sarah


  3. Hi Sarah!
    Thank you for that touching testimony. Your question about hope is one that I have asked over the last few years as life has taken some twists and turns. How gracious of the Lord to allow us to lose hope in that which truly can never give life and to refocus our eyes on what is true and good. On my own journey, I’ve come to understand that almost everyone has some loss or struggle in their lives that leaves them despairing at some point. Before my own loss, I didn’t understand this. I also now know that God does exactly as He says. He loves me, He hears my prayers, He will never leave me. When He answers a long ago prayer that I’ve given up on, I understand that my hope should always be in Him, not in what I’ve prayed for. And for those prayers that aren’t answered with a yes, He graciously redirects my prayers and my heart. I will be praying for you and your son. God loves you and has so many good things ahead for both of you!

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  4. Hi there, Sarah! I just wanted to say that God has given you an AMAZING testimony! I’m blown away at how He has graced you to endure all of the pain you have dealt with, and I’m definitely praying for your continued strength to carry on. May God richly bless you and your family, and keep on keepin’ on!

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    1. Wayne, you have greatly encouraged me after an incredibly hard day! I was wrestling today with how this much pain sometimes just feels crushing. I have had to fight to believe that God is in it and will continue to use it. Then I came across your comment and it was such an encouraging word at the right time. So thank you for taking the time to write it! Make God be glorified.

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  5. I’m so exited on how God is using you and your brokenness for His glory. I’m very familiar with brokenness not with myself, but with my wife. She was diagnosed with MS that led her to her conversion a few years back and now we struggle together trying to glorify God through this. God bless you and we gonna keep you and family on our prayers.

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  6. I happened to come across your twitter path, and found your blog. What an amazing testimony your life is to God’s goodness and faithfulness… clearly amidst such pain and difficulty your life is all about pointing people to Jesus. May you keep going strong in all that God calls you to.


    1. Heather, thank you for taking the time to write this. Some days it’s hard to see what good could come out of all of this…but words like yours remind me that God is doing something through the pain for his purposes and glory – and it isn’t being wasted. I can’t thank you enough for your encouragement.

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  7. Thank you for encouraging me today, I read your Mother’s Day article and am reminded that I need to let go of my definition and idea of success and focus on seeking Jesus, taking up the cross and living for His glory alone. It’s so hard to do-why? Even knowing everything He has done for me, my heart and mind struggle, I don’t understand why it’s so hard to die to myself. Thank you for preservering and being a good example. I can’t imagine being in your shoes. All I know is you are blessed and God sees you as worthy and able to handle the suffering. Through Christ who gives me strength, all things are possible. Happy Mother’ day!


    1. Thank you! You are not alone in your struggle…and I think it will always be a struggle to some degree (until we meet the Lord). May Christ be your strength and hope as you press on! Happy Mother’s Day!


  8. What a special gal you are! May God give you immense strength and joy. May you sense his pleasure over your life and desire to serve Him in all things.

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  9. Sarah,
    I want to share some information with you. I suffered with Lyme’ disease myself. The medical community gave me no hope for a cure. I found an amazing herbalist who used God’s tools to bring me out of the pain and suffering. The treatment was intense, but completely affective. I have been symptom free for four years! I give God all of the glory for this healing. My heart aches for you and your family in this suffering! If you would like to email me I would be happy to share any information I have.
    With prayers for healing,


    1. Sarah, my son and I both have gone through treatment for Lyme’s disease. Today I was having a particularly bad day not because of pain from lines to do disease just from trying to get through my workday. I turned to my proverbs 31 ministries devotional and I couldn’t believe that I was reading about another mom who is going through limes with her child. Thank you for the encouragement. I am an advocate as well for spreading the awareness of this disease. I struggle with how much to tell people because I’ve had so many people in our lives turn away either through ignorance or I believe fear. Thank you for A Christian advocate. God bless your journey!


    2. Thank you, Cheryl! That’s wonderful to hear that you have found healing! I am doing a lot with herbs right now as well, but I will let you know if I need more info (which I may at some point)! Thank you so much for reaching out, Cheryl. Blessings to you.


  10. Sarah after reading your devotion on proverbs 31 I decided I needed to comment to tell you I am praying for your family and your kiddos! I also have four kids under ten (four under 7 and another one coming in september). Thank you for reminding me that even though sometimes I have issues, (like disobedience, reluctance to do school (homeschooled) not being nice to siblings) even though this is definietly not the same as the issues and trials you are facing this devotional reminded me that God never meant for everything to always be perfect for us, and if it was we wouldnt need Him!! Thank you for this reminder and I will be praying for your family
    God bless


  11. Hello Sarah, I am always drawn in to any persons experience with Lyme disease. I too have had Lyme disease. I say “have had”, because I believe that I have been healed from that devastating disease. It took a year to diagnose me, even after having a “bug” bite that left a big, cherry red bump on my foot for four weeks. I even pointed it out and it was brushed off. I know your pain of getting diagnosed and treated. It is devastating emotionally, physically and financially. I cannot imagine dealing with Lyme in your child. My son was three years old at the time I was bitten. I would love to talk with you about it in more details and share with you a vision I have for helping others to deal with all the aspects of this terrible disease. My healing and my hope is in God our Father in our Lord Jesus. My story will encourage you greatly that He is still in the healing business. Glenda Daw

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  12. Sarah, I have a friend who was healed, holistically, from Lymes Disease. I tried to find a place here to just email you privately and couldn’t seem to. But if you would like to hear her testimony, I’ll be glad to message it to you. Kay Fekete


  13. Sarah, I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your work and you have prompted me to schedule an appointment to consult with my doctor about Lyme Disease testing. Our third child and baby boy who is now nine months was marked failure to thrive months ago with gastrointestinal issues, developmental delays, and low muscle tone. He is currently undergoing testing to determine if he has a rare muscular/neurological disorder. After reading your testimony, a bell starting ringing in my head reminding me that I’ve been experiencing various symptoms over the years that the doctor thought could be related to lupus. Having been bitten twice before, I now know that I need to get tested for Lyme Disease to see if I could have possibly passed it on to my son or my daughters. Thank you for your inspiration. It has been a struggle thus far maintaining hope while we have to subject our baby boy to test after test, but your words have given me strength today. God bless you!


  14. Sarah, thank you for sharing God’s story of your life and family over the Moody Radio Station on “In the Market with Janet Parshall” today. May God bless you for encouraging me and others through what you are going through with God. Jan


  15. You are not alone. I am a mom of four (ages 5 and under) and a expecting our 5th child in September. I have been battling Lyme for the last two years. It does feel hopeless at times. Praying for you and your family. This disease is so terrible.


    1. I have a friend in my business who was healed from Lyme’s holistically. It is breaking my heart to see so many people suffering. But I don’t know what to do to get the word out that God has provided a natural healing herb.


      1. Thank you, Kay. We have a lot going on already right now with herbs, but I will certainly contact you if I have some questions. It’s wonderful to hear your friend has found healing. Thank you for reaching out, Kay!


    2. Oh Shannon, I’m so sorry to hear this. I completely understand why you feel hopeless at times. I have been there many times myself (and still am at times). But God is bigger than this disease and I have to believe he is going to use it for his purposes if he chooses not to free us from it. But there is always hope. Hope for healing, yes. But our eternal hope is where we need to fix our eyes moment by moment. Praying for your family as well, Shannon. If you happen to get the book, I hope it will be a comfort and encouragement to you.


  16. Hi Sarah. Our family as well has been affected by that nasty Lyme disease. After a year of antibiotic treatment and still having symptoms we prayed for another avenue. God delivered and showed us hyperbaric oxygen therapy. It had truly been a Godsend!! We purchased one and have been able to help hundreds of people as well as my husband. This bump on our journey has turned into quite the ministry. Just wanted you to be aware of this treatment option. I’m sure you are aware of it if you have researched Lyme. Feel free to contact me if want want to know more info. I don’t have all answers but can refer you to others that may know. My husband was finally diagnosed in 2004. He is doing quite well now. Keep the faith! Kathy


    1. Thank you, Kathy! Yes, I have heard a lot of hyperbaric oxygen. I have done a lot of ozone treatments, which is the same idea, but directly into the blood. But we are always open to new options (within reason!). I’m so glad to hear how you have found help and how the Lord has used it for his purposes. He is always faithful! Thanks for reaching out, Kathy.


  17. I don’t read my Proverbs 31 devotions every day but for some reason I pulled yesterday’s devotion up today and it was a reminder to me that God put it there for me to remind me through your story that He is still working and not to give up. My son has been sick for 10 years. He went undiagnosed with Lymes disease for six years. By the time it was diagnosed he had severe neurological damage and is in constant pain along with severe depression and anxiety. The hardest part for him is that people just don’t understand the severe lethargy, pain, etc. and call him weak. He has lost many friends and family members because they just don’t understand this horrific disease. As a mother, it is so hard to watch a once vibrant boy be such a miserable young man. It has and continues to be a struggle in faith for me. I would be interested to know if you have found any help in the medical field for your son. So far we just hit dead ends. Thank you for sharing your story.

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    1. Hey Melanie, I feel like I’m spamming this post, but each instance like this I see – I can’t not respond. There is a holistic approach to Lymes that helped a friend of mine who pretty much thought she would not be around in a few months. I’d love to share the info with you if you are interested and you can do your own research. Kay

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    2. Melanie, I’m so incredibly sorry to hear how you have struggled. It really makes my heart ache to hear how many are struggling with this awful disease and so many other areas of suffering. But we serve a God who is bigger than all of it and, although he may not remove it in our timing (or ever on this earth), he promises to carry us through and not waste our pain. I pray that the Lord will give you and your son endurance to press on and to not lose hope. If you happen to get the book, I really hope you will find great encouragement and camaraderie (indirectly) through it. Thank you for sharing your story, Melanie.


  18. Who did you go to for holistic cure? I have been diagnosed with IBS, but I think it may be lyme, because I have a lot of weird other symptoms.


    1. There are many different kinds of doctors who can do holistic treatment. The best place to find an LLMD (Lyme Literate Doctor) is at ILADS.ORG. You can go to doctor search, type in your address, and they will email you doctors in your general area. Hope you find some help, Jay!


  19. I have 7 kids (6 biological) and 4 of them (so far) have recently been diagnosed with Lyme Disease in the past 6 months. I suspect another, as well as myself and my husband. I feel like our world has been turned upside down and most days I am consumed with trying to find them a doctor (we are in Texas and there are very few who treat children), and finding a way to afford treatment. It is the hardest and most overwhelming thing I’ve ever experienced. I look forward to following your blog and reading your book. Thank you!

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    1. I’m so sorry to hear that you are suffering in this as well. It’s such a hard road. Yet, God has been faithful all along and I believe he will continue to be. I have to remind myself often that He is greater than this disease and nothing is hidden or too hard for him. If he allows us to continue to battle this, I have to trust his goodness and purposes in it. But we continue to pray for the right treatments and always try to remain hopeful for healing. Praying for you and your family now, and I hope you find comfort and encouragement in the book!


  20. Sarah, I am so happy to have found your blog. I read your article “Do You Resent the Life God Gave You?” at Desiring God, and it led me to seek out your blog. I related to your statement about watching a happy couple eat their “Gluten-filled, dairy-filled food.” I have had autoimmune conditions since I was a teenager, and I live in chronic pain. It is certainly a daily challenge to keep comparison out of my life and remember that God knows our daily needs. Psalm 23 is my reminder that our Lord is our Shepherd, and I have no true need that is unfulfilled.
    I am also an aspiring blogger. I have one, but I am pursuing an MA in counseling and developing it has taken a back seat. However, I am always searching for inspiration through other bloggers.
    Thank you for sharing your life, and I look forward to following your blog.


  21. Your story and faith has given me hope, I will pray for you and your family.
    Keep doing with this has given you.


  22. Hi Sarah! Your post on DesiringGod on praying for your prodigal has ministered to me more than you can know. We are in the trenches right now with our youngest child (son age 16)…I truly see it as a spiritual war. Thank you so much for the insight you gave in this post–I am now praying the prayer of true surrender. I hope you know today what a blessing you have been to a mom that is broken-hearted like me.


    1. Cindy, I am praising God that he has brought you some encouragement through it! I’m sorry, though, to hear about how you are struggling with you son. I pray that the Lord will be near to your aching heart and give you the strength to press on in prayer and the faith that Christ has your son’s life in his hands. Thank you for taking the time to encourage me in return, Cindy.


  23. I am recovering from Lyme (among other things) and when I saw that you also have dealt with Lyme (and so many others on here) I had to subscribe but also wanted to pass along hope to you all.

    Please check out Chronic Lyme Disease Summit 2 here http://urltag.net/Bp4HV
    It starts Monday (6-19-17) and is free! It is packed full of current info and new treatments for Lyme suffers. I was a client of Dr Jay Davidson who is putting this on. He and his wife are Christians. His wife almost died from Lyme and that started Dr Jay’s journey to discover ways of treating and recovering from Lyme.

    There is one talk just on how to treat kids.

    Please check it out!

    Also another amazing resource for me has been Jernigan Nutraceuticals. Website is jnutra.com.
    Dr Sarah Jernigan is also a Christian and makes her own formulas, many of them to treat lyme. She also consults over the phone.
    Please reach out to her.

    There really are so many fellow Christians out there making a difference specifically in regards to Lyme! Praise You Lord for that!
    Hope this helps someone


    1. Thank you so much for this info, I’m definitely planning on trying to catch some of the summit! I appreciate you taking the time to share what’s been helpful for you.


  24. I don’t know if anyone has shared this information or not, but The People’s Pharmacy aired a show on June 3, 2017 which hosted two doctors who were both misdiagnosed and suffered for years with Lyme’s Disease before they were finally diagnosed. I hope this information in will be helpful in some way.

    The link is below or you can search for Show 1081: What Do You Need To Know About Lyme Disease?



  25. Hi there. I read your post today on Desiring God. It’s wonderful to hear what God is doing through your pain. I’m sure your words were an encouragement to many.

    Other people have already shared ideas, but I haven’t seen this story mentioned. Anna Harris, the wife of Brett Harris (maybe you know of his brother, Joshua) was diagnosed with Lyme’s disease and she tried absolutely everything. It ravaged her body and took her to the edge of death. Then she found a community of Lyme sufferers on the internet who swore by a non-conventional approach that required no medicine at all– just an extended stay in the great outdoors. Mere months after they decided to try this last ditch effort, Anna has seen unbelievable changes. I have been following her blog for a long time, and I’ve been so thankful to see our prayers being answered for her. http://anaharriswrites.com/day-72-so-is-it-lyme-disease-or-mold/

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  26. I know you are inundated with ideas, but you may want to check out Dr. Rawls. He is an MD that healed himself with herbs after conventional treatments failed him. He consults by phone. I talked with him and he was very knowledgeable. My son is on a similar protocol (Buhner) and seeing great improvement.

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  27. Hi Sarah, I just came across your blog through Desiring God. My entire family of 6 has walked the Lyme road for many years. It was the darkest time of my life. One of my daughters suffered terribly with the neuro/psych symptoms (PANS) from Bartonella/Lyme and Babesios. Praise God she has been completely well for the past 3 years. I share our story as well but from the other side. I pray God continues to use you and lead you. Hugs


    1. Yes…Gerson Therapy is the bomb for Lyme! God lead me to them. No drugs!!! Changing my life, but not an easy protocol…but worth it! Hey, sounds kind of like the Gospel!


  28. Hi Sarah,

    I am truly amazed that you are able to write this blog. You selflessly choose to lift others when every day is a struggle to care for yourself and your children.

    I have mold illness and am also caring for a son with it as well. I started out with a mitochondrial disorder, chronic fatigue, a lot of chronic pain, joints popping out of place, huge weight gain despite a strict paleo diet, dizziness, vertigo, nausea, and headaches. I no longer have these symptoms (unless I let myself be exposed to toxic mold or toxic chemicals. And over time, I am able to expose myself to just a little more without symptoms.)

    Many members of my community have Lyme disease and other co-infections as well. Mold and Lyme seem to go hand in hand. Those that practice extreme toxin/mold avoidance get better. (Those that treat both the toxin load and the Lyme.) Many make remarkable recoveries very quickly. I have heard and read numerous stories of people being bedridden, starting mold avoidance, then jogging within 2-4 months. Here is one of many (I can send more): http://www.anaharriswrites.com.

    And here is what you need to know about mold avoidance:


    I am happy to provide more information. There are not a lot of doctors that understand both mold toxicity and Lyme. But they are out there.

    May God direct you to the healing you and your family so deserve.

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  29. Hi Sarah,

    I came across your blog through Desiring God. I was very intrigued when I read your claims about passing Lyme disease to your children and Lyme being the source of your chronic health problems. According to my medical knowledge, having Lyme during pregnancy does not predispose your infant to any congenital anomalies. Lyme disease is typically cleared by appropriate antibotics. Do you mind me asking if your disease was diagnosed by a medical doctor or a naturopath?


    1. Hi Alison,
      Yes, it is possible and I have talked to many MD’s who have said it can be. I have been sick for a very long time without answers as to why. I have been to many different Lyme literate doctors and although there is a lot of misinformation in the medical community, the Lyme bacteria is not as easily cleared with antibiotics unless it is immediately treated after infection, which mine was not. My children have been tested and came back with a positive Lyme test. So considering it seems pretty unlikely all 5 of us have been bitten by ticks, then I passed it on. It has caused severe neurological problems (among other things) in my boys and a whole host of health problems in my girls. Hopefully there will be more openness in the mainstream medical community in the future so that the massive amount of sick people can get the support and care they need.
      Hope that helps!


  30. Sarah, my husband forwarded this to me and it is very encouraging to see a believer weigh in on God’s purposes. I read one sufferer of chronic lyme symptoms say that those who have it can tell you the last day they felt normal and mine was October 1, 2007. This week marks the tenth anniversary of my encounter with a divinely appointed tick that almost killed me. I had to be airlifted for emergency heart surgery as it was shutting down my heart. My heart is well, in so many ways and I have come to accept God’s design for my life as a pastor’s wife, mother and working historian includes the limitations of Lyme. I will continue to pray for healing, research and a cure as I live with the symptoms no on knows how to treat. I believe also in a Sovereign God. It is so easy to think – This is not fair to happen to me; I played by the rules. Forgetting of course that there are no rules when the righteous walk by faith. Thank for bringing a praising, worshipful perspective to the table

    Liked by 1 person

  31. Sarah, that you for this post and the other post I read on desiringgod.org which led me here. Your post softened my heart and allowed the Holy Spirit to humble me deeply. Lately, I have been so selfish with my prayers, asking God for all the earthly things I desire that in the end don’t matter at all. Now I am taking my prayer life in a completely new direction as I will be seeking out new people to pray for each day who suffer and experience pain everyday.

    You and you family are the first on this prayer list, and you won’t be off until you experience healing! Even if it means I will be praying for you for the rest of my life!

    YAHUVEH bless you. I believe you will be healed my sister.


  32. Hey Sarah, I have been reading your book. Is there anyway to contact you through email or messenger so I could ask you some questions. My husband is a pastor of a small church and we currently have 4 of our 5 kids who have Lyme. My 15 yr old son has been battling it for about 2 yrs…he has been completely bed-ridden this past year. Our 18 yr old daughter has been in bed the past 5 months ….i just am looking for advice, counsel or wisdom. If you cant do this i understand..but I know you understand reaching out and trying desperate things. Either way I am enjoying your book and your blogs. God has been using your life to help me realize Im not alone. We are fairly sure I have Lyme as well… Anyway. thank you. Christy


  33. Dear Sarah, may God bless you more abundantly in strength, peace, hope and love. Your last article on Desiring God, about the Red Sea of life, has touched me deeply. We have different struggles and pains, I’d even say to lesser degrees on my part, but the struggles in the spirit and flesh are the same. Thank you for being so honest about them, that I can relate to, and knowing that in my despair and resistance God is holding and working in me. I want to keep holding on His promises, as hard as it may seem at times. I hope you can already see how all your pains are used to bless and strengthen others to hope and keep hoping in God. Blessings in Christ


  34. Sarah, I don’t know if you appreciate when people make suggestions for “cures”, but I recently read stevia, the sweetner is being used to treat Lyme. If it actually works it’s a very cheap help. I often find myself pondering your case. It bothers me and I just wish I could help. If there is any way that people can help you, I don’t know if you have a go fund me page or something, please let people know so we can do something. I do pray for you very frequently. Blessings.


    1. Thank you so much for your desire to help. I do use stevia quite a bit already, but thank you for suggesting it! Unfortunately, there are so many things going into play that my health struggles are incredibly complex. Trusting God will continue to lead us and equip us. We do have a go fund me…
      But please do not feel obligated to give anything. It is currently going towards treatments that I am attempting.
      Anyway, more than anything, thank you for your prayers. I believe we continue to endure because so many are lifting us up. Blessings to you.


  35. Yes, Can you email me directly? I’ve been following you for awhile. I myself am in my own protocol for lyme but I would love to hear more from you directly about what yours entails and how you are doing.



  36. Hi Sarah, I have heard snippets of your story through DesiringGod blog this year, and it’s been an amazingly timely comfort as I’ve been dealing with Lyme this last year (a year that we know of, you know how it is) Heard you on Revive our Hearts today and was so very encorauaged and felt like God was just reaching out to me! Feel silly writing this with a comment but couldn’t find a better way to contact you, I am curious of your thoughts about Lyme passing to children. My husband and I have pushed back getting pregnant with our third child, and get lots of mixed advice . My youngest is three, and the gap seems so big for this next child already ! I’m feeling better lately it’s my current treatment and so desiring a child, my natural chiropractor says to wait, and we are content there for now, but it’s hard to know what’s right ! curious of your thoughts and would love to email with you if you have time.


    1. Thank you so much for taking the time to write! Yes, it would certainly be an easier conversation to have over coffee! : ) But since that isn’t possible, I first want to say that I want to be careful not to push you one way or another. That isn’t my place and I don’t know if anyone has a clear answer as to what is right or not. But what I will say that I have learned over the years in this area is…we should seek to make decisions with wisdom rather than out of fear. It’s obviously good that we listen to the advise of doctors and I think it’s good to consider different viewpoints. In the end, however, I’m thankful for the children that God has given us…Lyme Disease, struggles, disappointments, and all. In our case, we were ignorant to the fact that I had Lyme and could pass it on, but my husband and I have both said multiple times that we are thankful that we didn’t know in some ways, because we never would have changed the path God has brought us on (well…most of the time. ; )) Do I wish my kids didn’t suffer with this disease? Of course. But has God used it in their lives and our lives? Yes – in a million ways. So I don’t believe that there is a clear right or wrong answer in this area. But God is not a God of confusion and is faithful to lead us as we seek His guidance. In the end, whatever happens, He still reigns. So, although this isn’t really an answer because it’s not an answer for me to give, I hope our own journey will encourage you. I will pray for you and your family right now…for wisdom, unity, and God’s glory to be shown through whatever the future holds for you and your children. Blessings to you, Sarah


      1. Thanks so much for you to reply, truly a comfort and crazy-timely encouragement ! My husband and I will seek the Lord and He will lead us:) thankful that you are sharing your story and I hope you don’t mind but I shared your response on my blog! (Let me know if you do mind and I’ll take it down!) 🙂


      2. Praise God that he brought you what you needed to hear! Yes, that’s fine to share it on your blog – thank you for asking. I will pray along with you for the Lord’s clear guidance and peace as you pray and wait! I hope you’ll grab a copy of the book because I think it will be a great encouragement to you (my co-author waited to have kids for a time because if lyme and just had her first baby a few weeks ago!) But it may be an encouragement to you as you pray and wait. Have a great Thanksgiving!


  37. Hi Sarah, Thank you for writing Pray Them Home, 3 Prayers for Prodigal Children and the bit of your story you shared. I connected immediately because my precious prodigal daughters story is So Similar!! Sin crept in and lies believed, we saw her slowly slipping away from the truth of God and then she went away to college and everything crashed and continues to crash, but she continues to hold on to her own ways of finding her value and identity in performance base, and friends have become her God after her devastating loss of identity as an athlete.(friends that we don’t know or know are not following God) Right now is her first season of not being on the court in 8 years. I cant tell you the heart ache we have for her and the pain she is bearing struggling to make “her way work” as well as the self -destructive patterns of coping(to include eating, depression, suicide thoughts and more). Counseling and medication have been in place for some time, nothing has changed. I see your story of landing in the protection of a hospital is what brought you home to the Lord. Whatever it takes this side of heaven is how we continue to pray. Our precious daughter was a Mighty Princess to the King before and we pray for a heart of brokenness and the warrior in her to be awoken and chains/lies broken. Praying she would surrender/let go of her unwillingness for His willingness. Your story brings more comfort to my mommas heart than words can convey. I was wondering if you had anything eles to share about your story that would be helpful for us in helping our daughter. One hard part has been following through on agreements she makes with us, then breaks, and is blinded to the truth. Merry Christmas and blessings to you.


    1. Oh Ronda, my heart aches for you. Having been on a similar destructive path, now knowing how much anguish I put my parents through…and now being in the role of being a parent myself, I hurt for you. What incredible (and incredibly hard) prayers of surrender that you are praying. While I know that I can’t offer you a guarantee that your daughter will come back to the Lord and surrender her life and ways, I do know the Lord loves your daughter with an unconditional love and he hears your heart’s pleas. By what you described, she seems to be desperately searching for identity and satisfaction in anything she can find. One thing about having tenacity is, you fight hard…whether its for the right thing or the wrong thing. I am going to be praying that the Lord allows what he must (out of his sovereign love and grace) in order to bring her to himself and use that will and tenacity for the kingdom. Only he has the power to turn rebellious hearts and I am confident that he can. So my dear sister, don’t give up on your daughter. My guess is that she is hurting deeply inside and desperately seeking to make up for it any way that she can…even if it’s through temporary and destructive things and pushing away the people who love her the most. Although I don’t know much of your specific situation, there is a war being waged over our lives and our kid’s lives. There is a war being waged over your daughter. All I can say is to continue to fight for her (even if she doesn’t want you to). Fight for her in prayer. Ask the Lord to lead you in how to best navigate your relationship with her, but also to be a picture of grace. She may push you away and she may say many hurtful things, but if she knows deep down that even though she grieves you, you will always receive her home with love, grace, and forgiveness…you are constantly laying before her a picture of gospel hope…and it is an attractive thing for a wandering/hurting heart. I wish I could offer you more or just reach out and give you a hug, but please know that I will be saying a prayer right after I am done for the Lord’s gracious and strong hand to be on your daughter and that in his timing he would draw her back to himself and use her mightily for his glory. Blessings, Sarah


      1. Yes, I have (co-authored with a dear friend)! It’s called Hope When it Hurts and you can find a link for it at the top of my page. You might find great encouragement through it! As for your daughter, who knows how she would receive it. I do talk a little bit about my journey when I was younger, but it’s also about the suffering that God has allowed and how he has met me (and my co-author) in it. You never know! Praying….


  38. Hi, thank you for sharing your story, allowing it to be used by God to remind His people that we can have hope in Jesus even if it hurts., because we know that He is in control of everything. He is allowing us to undergo such pain for a reason- and that ultimate reason is to give Him the glory! I also have a special son. Being a nurse by profession, I’m the kind that I always want a result when treatment is given. For years it was a struggle trying every single tx that I heard or seen to help my son recover/ totally healed. Frustrations and anger to myself that I could not help my son, lead me to surrender everything to God. I started to take things easy. that’s when I started to see things differently – I have no control- but God has! God truly has a plan for everyone of us- plan to prosper us and not to harm us, plan to give us hope and a future. Please check Dr Dan Rossignol’s website. He is a Christian doctor who has 2 sons diagnosed with Autism ( also a neuro/ behavioral/social ). God bless you and your family. Yes, we will continue to put our trust, our hope to Jesus – the author and finisher of our faith


  39. I’m amazed and so inspired by all you have written on this page, The Lord surely has the master plan for your life and your family, I wish you well and support you with prayers. Thank you for giving us hope by not giving up and continue to inspire us, you are wonderfully made.The Lord bless you.much love ❤


  40. Dear Sarah,

    My name is Stephanie and I live in Australia. I was recently given your book and I look forward to digging into it. I read a Desiring God article you wrote on parenting your children through suffering and then found the link to your blog here. Oh how it makes my heart ache for you and your family to hear of your intense, ongoing and agnosing suffering. This side of heaven can be just brutal and as you said, it leaves you aware this world has nothing you want but Jesus!

    I just wanted to let you know that I will be praying God continues to make it possible for you to continue to write and speak in the midst of your suffering. There is such power in our weakness (2 Cor 12.10) and being able to attest to God’s faithfulness in the burn of your pain speaks volumes of God’s ability to sustain us even when we think we will burst at the seams. I pray that God gives you and your husband courage to wake up each day and face the difficulties God has allowed to enter your lives and that He gives you the strength to remain faithful to God and each other in your pain. I pray too that your children would be eternally changed by their struggles and that their physical agony would lead them to the God of all comfort who comforts us in our suffering. May they all develop abiding and passionate relationships with Him that, although tested by fire, endure and flourish.

    May God continue to infuse your family with hope, patience, long suffering, joy and grace for your journey.

    Your sister in Jesus,


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  41. Been battling Lyme and co-infections for a while now. The neurological symptoms and pain are intense. Most of my family have walked away from me, but God is faithful. When I want to give up, HE gives. I look forward to reading your book.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m so sorry for how you have struggled, Lea. It’s especially hard when you feel so alone in the struggle. I pray that you will feel the Lord’s strength and presence in the days ahead. I hope you find great encouragement in the book!


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