Desiring God Posts, Parenting, Suffering with hope

Pray Them Home – Three Prayers for Prodigal Children

I once was that prodigal child — lost, angry, and struggling to find my identity. Hardened on the outside, but deeply hurting within. The pain of my choices was not only destroying me, but creating heartache within our family and severing my relationships with the people who loved me most. By God’s grace, my parents… Continue reading Pray Them Home – Three Prayers for Prodigal Children

Gospel living, Suffering with hope

Celebrating Easter Through Brokenness

A few weeks ago, something snapped in me and let me assure you, it wasn't pretty. After nine years of intense and complex emotions being built up in our home due to our child's neurological issues, for some reason, this particular moment seemed to draw everything to the surface. As the lengthy battle with him… Continue reading Celebrating Easter Through Brokenness

Suffering with hope

The Cry of a Broken Heart

This post is for the hurting soul. It's for the broken-hearted, weary child of God. At times, no words can be found as the confusion within fogs the lens of truth. When the battle of body and Spirit wages its violent war, we may be left feeling wounded and weak as our faith is shaken, our emotions are… Continue reading The Cry of a Broken Heart