Fighting the Good Fight, Gospel living, Treasures Found in the Trials of Life

The Idols are Falling In the Land of the Free

This chaos, this sense of instability, this clashing of opinions on every topic - it is all the result of the idols of our day crashing down around us. The idol of false security is now exposing where we truly put our hope and confidence. The idol of “what is right for you is right… Continue reading The Idols are Falling In the Land of the Free

Fighting the Good Fight, Treasures Found in the Trials of Life

Finding Peace in a World of Turmoil

Imagine a state of perfect peace. What do you picture? For me, I imagine retreating alone to the ocean, looking out into the vastness, beauty, and power of its waters. The air is comfortable with a warm and gentle breeze with no distractions other than the chatter of seagulls and the rhythmic beat of the crashing… Continue reading Finding Peace in a World of Turmoil