Gospel living, Treasures Found in the Trials of Life

What Does It Really Mean to Be Blessed?

I often hear statements such as, "I am so blessed to have three healthy children!" or "I received the promotion that I've been waiting for...I feel so blessed!" or "We just bought the home of our dreams. We are incredibly blessed!" or "We are blessed to live in a country of such comfort, freedom, and… Continue reading What Does It Really Mean to Be Blessed?

Fighting the Good Fight, Suffering with hope

Through the Lens of God’s Character

Have you ever struggled with the question, “Why is God allowing this”? I imagine that every believer is faced with this question at some point in their life. I clearly remember asking this question as I was painfully dealing with my son, who was struggling with a neurological disorder that we had yet to find answers to. Throughout the hour or more of a heart-wrenching… Continue reading Through the Lens of God’s Character

Fighting the Good Fight, Suffering with hope, Treasures Found in the Trials of Life

Finding Freedom in the Wilderness

“How long, O Lord?!” I prayed through tears over my son after a long and painful battle with him. I forced myself to pray despite the anger and frustration stirring in my heart. He burst into tears and cried, “I don’t know why I am like this! I don’t want to act this way, but… Continue reading Finding Freedom in the Wilderness

Fighting the Good Fight, Suffering with hope, Treasures Found in the Trials of Life, Unlocking The Bible

When God Doesn’t Seem Good

The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; he knows those who take refuge in him. (Nahum 1:7) Last spring, we were anxiously awaiting our upcoming vacation to Florida. Even more than in years past, I was desperate to get away and catch my breath from all the hardships and stresses that were pounding… Continue reading When God Doesn’t Seem Good

Fighting the Good Fight, Suffering with hope, Treasures Found in the Trials of Life

Faith Through the Storm

It had been over an hour. I stood there, holding the door shut to my son's room while he raged on the other side from a yet to be diagnosed disorder, which had dominated our lives for years. That day, my sometimes sweet, funny, determined little 7 year old was experiencing a battle waging inside of… Continue reading Faith Through the Storm