Fighting the Good Fight, Gospel living, Suffering with hope, Treasures Found in the Trials of Life, Unlocking The Bible

Three Things to Remember When Life Is Hard

Disoriented. Numb. Somber. There are few words to describe where my heart has been lately. I feel inadequate to describe all the reasons why or how I have gotten to this place. But even if was able, the circumstances aren’t the point. The point is that even as Christians, we can face feelings of despair.… Continue reading Three Things to Remember When Life Is Hard

Desiring God Posts, Parenting, Suffering with hope

Pray Them Home – Three Prayers for Prodigal Children

I once was that prodigal child — lost, angry, and struggling to find my identity. Hardened on the outside, but deeply hurting within. The pain of my choices was not only destroying me, but creating heartache within our family and severing my relationships with the people who loved me most. By God’s grace, my parents… Continue reading Pray Them Home – Three Prayers for Prodigal Children

Fighting the Good Fight, Suffering with hope

Don’t Miss the Rainbow While Waiting for Sunshine

I do not enjoy waiting. In fact, I would go as far as to say that I loathe waiting. But then, I have yet to meet anyone who really does enjoy it. Isn't the majority of our lives spent waiting for something? It never fails that I get stopped at a freight train when I'm… Continue reading Don’t Miss the Rainbow While Waiting for Sunshine