Suffering with hope

Faith Through The Storm

It had been over an hour. I stood there, holding the door shut to my son's room while he raged on the other side from a yet to be diagnosed disorder, which has dominated our lives for years. My sometimes sweet, funny, determined little 7 year old is now experiencing a battle waging inside of him.… Continue reading Faith Through The Storm

Desiring God Posts, Suffering with hope

The Road I Would Never Choose – Learning to Follow Wherever God Leads

At some point in life, many of us find ourselves on a path that we would have never chosen. Once on that path, we are always faced with a choice. We can frantically search for a way out, or embrace the path God has chosen for us. I have been on one of those undesirable… Continue reading The Road I Would Never Choose – Learning to Follow Wherever God Leads

Desiring God Posts, Suffering with hope

What If God Takes It All Away? Trusting Him Through Financial Struggles

Recently we drove past our old house for the first time since downsizing. Immediately, our four children began rehearsing memories, noting every part of the house that they missed. Once again, they struggled to understand why we had to give it all up. As hard as I tried to respond with confidence that it was… Continue reading What If God Takes It All Away? Trusting Him Through Financial Struggles

Suffering with hope, Unlocking The Bible

When Your Find Yourself In a Dry and Weary Land

I was 17. I had my whole life ahead of me and yet, there I found myself, wanting it all to end. I sat silently in a stark white hospital room, broken, hurting, and alone. How did I end up here? Not more than a year earlier, I had been basking in the attention and… Continue reading When Your Find Yourself In a Dry and Weary Land