Suffering with hope

He Will Create Rivers in the Dry Wasteland

There are moments in life when you find yourself standing in a metaphoric wilderness. You believe God can provide, and you see him providing for many around you. And yet, as the heat of the sun beats down on you and the streams before you begin to run dry, you begin to wonder…”Is God really… Continue reading He Will Create Rivers in the Dry Wasteland

Suffering with hope

When We Grow Weak in the Wilderness

I greatly dislike feeling weak. In fact, I often do what I can to avoid feeling weak, or at least appearing weak. Yet, these days, there's no denying it. I am weak to the core. My body is weak as it continues to be beaten down by stress, exhaustion, and chronic illness.  My mothering abilities… Continue reading When We Grow Weak in the Wilderness

Suffering with hope, Unlocking The Bible

When Your Find Yourself In a Dry and Weary Land

I was 17. I had my whole life ahead of me and yet, there I found myself, wanting it all to end. I sat silently in a stark white hospital room, broken, hurting, and alone. How did I end up here? Not more than a year earlier, I had been basking in the attention and… Continue reading When Your Find Yourself In a Dry and Weary Land

Suffering with hope, Treasures Found in the Trials of Life

Christ Can Turn What is Bitter into Something Sweet

We were extremely hopeful that the Lord would soon provide a way to meet the many needs overwhelming our family right now. Doors opened and it seemed as though God was paving the way to an answered prayer. Yet, within a moment, that assumed provision was gone and confusion and fear were left in its… Continue reading Christ Can Turn What is Bitter into Something Sweet

Suffering with hope, Treasures Found in the Trials of Life

In a dry and weary land

I was 17. I had my whole life ahead of me and yet, there I found myself, wanting it all to end. I sat silently in a stark white hospital room, broken, hurting, and alone. How did I end up here? Not more than a year earlier, I had been basking in the attention and… Continue reading In a dry and weary land

Fighting the Good Fight, Treasures Found in the Trials of Life

Lessons Learned From a Diet of Manna – Part 2

Well, it's been a little over six weeks since my last real meal. What a journey it's been. I have eaten nothing but porridge in a desperate attempt to find healing, with the exception of a couple small "trials" in the last week or so. While this journey is proving to be far from over, I have been… Continue reading Lessons Learned From a Diet of Manna – Part 2

Fighting the Good Fight, Suffering with hope

Don’t Miss the Rainbow While Waiting for Sunshine

I do not enjoy waiting. In fact, I would go as far as to say that I loathe waiting. But then, I have yet to meet anyone who really does enjoy it. Isn't the majority of our lives spent waiting for something? It never fails that I get stopped at a freight train when I'm… Continue reading Don’t Miss the Rainbow While Waiting for Sunshine