Suffering with hope

When All Seems Hopeless

God is still a God of miracles. Though it may look different than when Jesus walked the earth, we still hear of God's divine intervention all around us - tumors that miraculously disappear, a hardened criminal surrenders their life to Christ and has a powerful ministry to the unsaved, an unborn child who's been declared… Continue reading When All Seems Hopeless

Suffering with hope

Hope for the Heavy Hearted

[Guest Contributor - Linda Green] Tears spilled down my face without warning when I got a text from a family member sharing yet another heartbreaking situation among the countless others I have grieved over the past decade. But it wasn’t just this situation that opened the gates of grief. Rather, it was the accumulation of… Continue reading Hope for the Heavy Hearted

Suffering with hope

When We Grow Weak in the Wilderness

I greatly dislike feeling weak. In fact, I often do what I can to avoid feeling weak, or at least appearing weak. Yet, these days, there's no denying it. I am weak to the core. My body is weak as it continues to be beaten down by stress, exhaustion, and chronic illness.  My mothering abilities… Continue reading When We Grow Weak in the Wilderness

Hope When It Hurts, Suffering with hope

Three Things to Remember When Life Is Hard

Disoriented. Numb. Somber. There are few words to describe where my heart has been lately. I feel inadequate to describe all the reasons why or how I have gotten to this place. But even if was able, the circumstances aren’t the point. The point is that even as Christians, we can face feelings of despair.… Continue reading Three Things to Remember When Life Is Hard

Suffering with hope

When Words of Comfort Feel More Like Salt in a Wound

"How selfish of you to have four children when you knew you'd make them sick." My mouth hung open as I re-read the words, convinced I must have read them wrong. But unfortunately, I hadn't. Amidst the grief and heartache of years of undiagnosed illness and the heartbreaking reality that it was passed onto all… Continue reading When Words of Comfort Feel More Like Salt in a Wound

Suffering with hope

When Hope Seems to Run Out

God is still a God of miracles. Though it may look different than when Jesus walked the earth, we still hear of God's divine intervention all around us - tumors that miraculously disappear, a hardened criminal surrenders their life to Christ and has a powerful ministry to the unsaved, an unborn child who's been declared… Continue reading When Hope Seems to Run Out