Suffering with hope

A Response to John MacArthur’s Statements on Mental Illness From a Family it Has Misjudged

I write this article with an aching heart for countless families who have been affected by mental illness - including the dozens who have reached out to my husband and I in desperate search for help, hope, and community. And since hearing the comments made by John MacArthur on a recent panel, discussing his view… Continue reading A Response to John MacArthur’s Statements on Mental Illness From a Family it Has Misjudged

Suffering with hope

The Story isn’t Finished

This is a personal one for me. One I don't share much of, but I know many are quietly suffering in this way, so here it goes - Most of my fifteen years of motherhood have been spent sitting outside or inside my precious child's room, trying to protect him by keeping him (and I)… Continue reading The Story isn’t Finished

Suffering with hope

Trapped in My Own Mind – Three Lies Depression Whispers

I can’t live like this anymore!” I cried through sobs. “I just want to die!” I sat on my bed and tried to make sense of what was going on inside. I was tired of the chronic pain, the frequent bouts of illness, and the weariness of dealing with my kids’ struggles. But what broke… Continue reading Trapped in My Own Mind – Three Lies Depression Whispers

Suffering with hope

Is It Wrong For a Christian to Despair?

Do you ever feel weary of waiting, weary of fighting for joy, and weary of hoping for better days? Do you push down feelings of despair and hopelessness because you don't think a Christian is allowed to struggle with such "faithless" feelings? Well, let me assure you - you aren't alone. If I'm honest, a… Continue reading Is It Wrong For a Christian to Despair?

Suffering with hope

Seeing the Unseen – Hope for Families Living With Unseen Special Needs

I stirred uncomfortably in my seat, struggling to accept the reality that this chair had my name on it for a reason. I sat there quietly and listened as the group went around sharing their personal journey of special needs. One family shared about their sweet boy living with a genetic disorder, bound to a… Continue reading Seeing the Unseen – Hope for Families Living With Unseen Special Needs

Suffering with hope

Trapped in My Own Mind – Three Lies Depression Loves

I can’t live like this anymore!” I cried through sobs. “I just want to die!” I sat on my bed and tried to make sense of what was going on inside. I was tired of the chronic pain, the frequent bouts of illness, and the weariness of dealing with my kids’ struggles. But what broke… Continue reading Trapped in My Own Mind – Three Lies Depression Loves

Desiring God Posts, Suffering with hope

Trapped in My Own Mind – Three Lies Depression Loves

I can’t live like this anymore!” I cried through sobs. “I just want to die!” I sat on my bed and tried to make sense of what was going on inside. I was tired of the chronic pain, the frequent bouts of illness, and the weariness of dealing with my kids’ struggles. But what broke… Continue reading Trapped in My Own Mind – Three Lies Depression Loves

Desiring God Posts, Marriage

Married to Weakness – Loving Our Spouse Through Suffering

“Lord, I pray you will do a physical miracle in my wife, but if you choose not to, then work a spiritual miracle in me so that I can love her well until the end.” These were the words of Dr. Robertson McQuilkin, shortly after receiving his wife’s Alzheimer’s diagnosis. His response pierced my heart… Continue reading Married to Weakness – Loving Our Spouse Through Suffering

Hope When It Hurts, Suffering with hope

Though He Delay, He Will be Faithful

My heart is hurting today. Contentment, peace, and joy seem nowhere to be found as I have felt a fresh blow of the devastating challenges that come with my child’s special needs and the health struggles in each one of my children. Once again, I am reminded that life is not at all as I… Continue reading Though He Delay, He Will be Faithful