Suffering with hope

What’s the Point if the Pain Has no End

I slowly worked my way to the window and opened the blinds for the first time in over a week. My world had shrunk down to the next time I could take more pain meds, the next time I had to force down a little food and fluids to keep the ER at bay, and… Continue reading What’s the Point if the Pain Has no End

Suffering with hope

Enduring Pain

A poem for the one enduring pain… In pain’s unwanted presence The strong are brought to their knees The luster of life grows dull Peace and comfort flees. As pain bears down The world’s colors grow gray The old self becomes a stranger As plans and dreams fade. In pain’s crushing weight The sufferer endures… Continue reading Enduring Pain

Suffering with hope

Comfort In The Dark

Some days my daughter's eyes visibly widen and her brow furrows as she searches my face to learn the answer to her pressing question. I can feel it coming before the words leave her mouth: “Are you ok mum?” she quizzes me, her face just centimetres from my own. “Do you need to go to… Continue reading Comfort In The Dark

Suffering with hope

Lyme Disease and the Imagery of Sin

It’s been twenty years since my health began to decline for unknown reasons and it’s been six years since I first heard the words “Chronic Lyme Disease” (or for you science folk, Borrelia Burgdorferi that’s taken up residence long enough to impact countless systems in the body and become resistant to treatment). Like many others,… Continue reading Lyme Disease and the Imagery of Sin

Lyme Disease, Suffering with hope

Trust His Grace for Today

Pain comes with vengeance, no matter what's on the to do list or what plans were on the schedule. Whether it's physical, mental, or emotional, it can consume us, paralyze us, and rob us of all we expected life to be. Even if we have many other blessings, pain can taint reality and tempt us… Continue reading Trust His Grace for Today

Marriage, Suffering with hope, Together Through the Storms

An open letter to husbands of suffering wives

One flesh.  That’s what all Christian marriages are called to live out. And yet, whether it be everyday stressors or life altering trials, every marriage will face storms that will threaten that oneness. For Sarah and I, those storms have come in all shapes and sizes, but chronic illness is one that’s had a constant… Continue reading An open letter to husbands of suffering wives

Desiring God Posts, Hope When It Hurts, Suffering with hope

Pain Will Not Have the Last Word

Pain has taken its toll on me—physically, emotionally, and mentally. The damage isn’t always visible on my face or in my words, but it’s always there, tempting me to view everything through the lens of an aching heart and a weary spirit. No one lives this life untouched. We all experience the brokenness and frailty… Continue reading Pain Will Not Have the Last Word

Desiring God Posts, Suffering with hope

God Has a Purpose for My Lyme Disease -Three Promises for Anyone Suffering

As my seven-year-old daughter curled up on the couch with stomach pain, she looked up at me with sadness and confusion in her eyes and said, “Mommy, I don’t want to hurt your feelings, but I kind of wish you hadn’t had us when you were sick — then you wouldn’t have given us all… Continue reading God Has a Purpose for My Lyme Disease -Three Promises for Anyone Suffering

Desiring God Posts, Marriage

Married to Weakness – Loving Our Spouse Through Suffering

“Lord, I pray you will do a physical miracle in my wife, but if you choose not to, then work a spiritual miracle in me so that I can love her well until the end.” These were the words of Dr. Robertson McQuilkin, shortly after receiving his wife’s Alzheimer’s diagnosis. His response pierced my heart… Continue reading Married to Weakness – Loving Our Spouse Through Suffering

Suffering with hope

When Hope Seems to Run Out

God is still a God of miracles. Though it may look different than when Jesus walked the earth, we still hear of God's divine intervention all around us - tumors that miraculously disappear, a hardened criminal surrenders their life to Christ and has a powerful ministry to the unsaved, an unborn child who's been declared… Continue reading When Hope Seems to Run Out